Caught in the Rain? The Truth About E-Scooters and Water Resistance
Caught by surprise? There's no reason to panic yet! At least in most cases, electric scooters are designed to withstand an occasional shower. Read on for more tips.

How To Protect Your Scooter From The Sun And Overheating
Remember Icarus? He flew too close to the sun, and the wax keeping him attached to his wings melted. What’s the lesson here? The sun is sometimes the baddie.

Can Electric Scooters Handle Sand and Bumpy Roads? Everything You Need to Know.
If you ever have an idea to take your e-scooter to the desert/beach to make believe you’re Paul Atreides riding the worm, hold your horses (or in this case your worm).

How to Lock an Electric Scooter
How to Lock an Electric Scooter No matter how much we spend, we all invest a lot in our vehicles. So it's important to also invest in good security. That will look very different for different ve...

How to Protect an Electric Scooter From Theft? 4 Useful Tips
Electric scooters have become a favored mode of transportation for city dwellers across the country. That’s because they’re convenient, portable, and a joy to ride. After investing in one yourself...