Electric Scooter vs. Electric Car: Which One Is the Better Eco-Friendly Option?

Electric Scooter vs. Electric Car: Which One Is the Better Eco-Friendly Option?

In light of the current environmental crisis, there is a growing consensus that sustainable modes of transportation are crucial to our planet's future. Electric scooters and electric cars are often pitted against each other as if they are mutually exclusive solutions. However, are they really? Let's take a closer look at how they compare when it comes to eco-friendliness.

Energy costs

As you can probably guess, electric cars are far more expensive than e-scooters in terms of cost per charge and overall maintenance. And let’s face it, it's not as fun! But that’s not the topic we’re tackling here. 

According to Eco Cost Savings:

“Electric cars cost over 160 times more to charge, 18 times more per mile, and 16 times more per year compared to the most popular electric scooters…”

Energy Efficiency

Electric scooters consume less energy than electric cars due to their lightweight build and smaller batteries. According to studies, electric scooters are nearly six times more energy-efficient per mile compared to electric cars. However, the range of an electric car significantly outperforms that of an electric scooter, making cars more suitable for long-distance travel. 

Greenhouse gas emissions

According to North Carolina State University, e-scooters emit 202g of CO2e for every mile. To put this in perspective, driving a regular car emits around 369g of CO2 per mile. In the case of an electric car, the emissions are similar to those of e-scooters. 

How is it calculated: 

The EPA uses three methods to assess vehicle emissions.

  • Tailpipe emissions refer to pollutants released when a vehicle is running. Gas cars emit the most, while electric vehicles emit none.
  • Well-to-wheel emissions include both tailpipe emissions and those from producing and delivering the fuel or electricity.
  • Life cycle emissions factor in the emissions from manufacturing the vehicle and its parts, including the batteries in electric and hybrid cars.

On the website below, you can see where your electricity is sourced from and how big is your carbon footprint depending on the state you live in:

Alternative Fuels Data Center: Emissions from Electric Vehicles

Production Emissions

Electric scooters have a smaller carbon footprint in the production stage. Manufacturing a car, electric or otherwise, involves substantial energy consumption and raw material use. Cars also contain more electronic components, often requiring rare earth elements, the extraction of which has a significant environmental impact.

“50% of the carbon impact is linked to the production process. For instance, the production of the scooter battery accounts for about 20 grams of CO2-equivalent (CO2e) of GHG emissions, and the scooter body and tires account for 184 grams of CO2e, totaling up to 204 grams of CO2e.”  

End-of-Life Disposal

Electric scooters generally have a shorter lifespan compared to electric cars, for most of them, on average, that’s 2 years. This raises questions about e-waste and the environmental cost of frequent replacements. Electric cars, however, have batteries that pose disposal challenges due to their size and potential toxicity.

Apollo scooters are designed to last you for years to come. Of course, your battery will run out of its cycles at some point, but you can replace it when it’s in its last throes and still enjoy your favorite scooter without buying a new one. 

A Complementary Approach

Contrary to popular belief, electric scooters and electric cars are not competitors but rather complementary to help us reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Scooters can efficiently cover shorter distances, help decongest urban environments, and serve as recreational vehicles, while electric cars can manage longer commutes and serve rural areas where public transport is heavily limited.


Electric scooters and electric cars each have their unique sets of advantages and disadvantages. However, as we endeavor to reduce carbon emissions, it's crucial to recognize that both can play an important role. Rather than pitting them against each other, we should focus on how they can co-exist and contribute to a more sustainable future.


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Table of contents

    1. Energy costs
    2. Energy Efficiency
    3. Greenhouse gas emissions
    4. How is it calculated: 
    5. Production Emissions
    6. End-of-Life Disposal
    7. A Complementary Approach
    8. Conclusion